Ben10 : Alien Swarm

Ben 10: Alien Swarm is a live-action movie that premiered on Cartoon Network on November 25, 2009. It takes place in Atlanta,GA. It is based on the animated series Ben 10: Alien Force. It is the sequel to the 2007 live-action movie Ben 10: Race Against Time. The movie was confirmed to be executive produced and directed by Alex Winter once again and written by John Turman and James Krieg. The cast were revealed throughout the Ben 10 Week towards the end of March 2009 in special commercials that can be viewed on the movie website and on the Turner Newsroom.[1][2] A teaser was shown during the premiere of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The movie is rated TV-PG V. It was released on DVD and Blu-Ray six days after the U.S. TV premiere of the film.

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