Totalidea Tweak-7 - all the Vitamins your Windows 7 needs

Comparing Tweak-7 with other optimization and tweak tools is simply impossible since no competitive product covers such a huge functionality: from simple system tweaking to complex and fast registry cleaning and registry defragmentation and comprehensive system cleanup.

Tweak-7 is the premier companion to Windows 7: it gives you access to whatever you might need to keep your Windows 7 running smoothly, error free, and under your full control. System restrictions, system cleanup, system tweaking are just a few keywords describing the feature richness of Tweak-7.

Changes in version 1.0 Build 1022:
Tweak-7 is available for all editions of Windows 7 - both 32bit and 64bit. Tweak-7 comes with an English, German, French, Spanish and Russian user interface.

Some features:
• Activate hundreds of hidden Windows 7 settings to get the most out of your Windows 7
• Clean your registry with the integrated Registry Cleaner and Registry Defragmentation
• Activate system and software restrictions - you decide what should be accessible or not
• Display detailed 3D system information
• Create a 256 MB RAM drive for fastest access (32bit systems only!)
• Customize whatever is customizable on Windows 7
• Clean your hard drive and remove unneccessary files to get wasted hard drive space back - save hundreds of GB.
• Optimize memory management and memory usage
• Improve your internet connection by a few mouse clicks
• Optimize your CPU with special CPU tweaks
• Tweak your network with network speed-up settings
• Manage system updates, remove update backups, remove old system restore points
• Transfer your tweaks and settings to other machines running Windows 7 and Tweak-7

Language: English, Spanish, French, Russian, German
Platform: Windows All (32bit + 64bit)
License: kracked (Seriennummber)
Size: 20.79 Mb



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